Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Feeling Connected

I'm residing in Tea bagging country where fundamentalist Christianity and Republican politics run supreme. Any deviation from this could lead to a heated debate and possibly loosing one's job. It's been bad here for awhile but I've noticed that the small minority of open minded folks are nowhere to be seen. Going to a coffee shop or a bookstore was where more accepting people used to congregate. That hasn't been the case in three years or longer. It's sad. To say I no longer feel connected is an understatement. That's not to say there isn't good people here but the prevailing tunnel vision that's the norm in these here parts has become more than I'm willing to tolerate.

 People have a right to their religious views (and lack-there-of). I occasionally share mine but it's not the focus of my blog nor the focal point guiding my life. To me religion (or whatever you choose to call it - faith, a relationship with a particular deity,and etc.) is a private matter and not something to be shared with just anyone. This stance serves me well in areas that are dominated by fundamentalist Christians and Muslims. After all - I'm still in the Bible Belt. I might loosen up a bit once I'm traveling and have made my primary residence out west some place where people tend to be less pushy with politics and religion.

“There are three things I have learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics, and the Great Pumpkin.” -  Linus van Pelt (Peanuts featuring Charlie Brown) 

   All in all - life in general has become increasingly challenging in more ways than one and I'm attempting to deal with it. Where my life is going is yet to be seen. I'm trying to stay in the moment as much as possible. That's easier said than done. I'm just taking one day at a time. As some of my friendly acquaintances know - I've been staying with my uncle and helping him out. In return I paid little rent and was able to live on the minimal income I received from my mcjob. Now that I'll be paying full rent I'll be lucky to have enough left over for groceries and upkeep on my vehicle much less enjoying the luxury of having anything left over to put in savings.

 It's sad that so many people in this country are oblivious to the fact that the typical job no longer pays sustainable wages and hasn't in quite some time. I know so many men (and some women) who live with family because if they didn't they'd wind up as street urchins. These people are in their 20s,30s,40s,and even 50s. But I've said enough about that. I've already made postings on the devaluing of our currency and don't feel the need to elaborate on this any further.

 With that said - I bid each and every one of you a great day, a wonderful week,and a marvelous month.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Ending of Things

This is my first posting in awhile. It's a bit overdue I suppose. Things in my life have taken a turn and it's not going to be easy adjusting. My time doing as I've been doing for the past decade or so is about up. I can't say that I'm happy about it. Most people (in their right mind) wouldn't be. It's here though and I'm attempting to adjust to what is most likely the inevitable outcome to this change. I know we've all heard that change is good - but is it? To say that I don't agree with that statement's accuracy is an understatement. Yes change can be good but not always.

So I begin walking yesterday and I was quickly made aware of just how bad my health had digressed just in the past year. Hopefully I won't procrastinate and will keep with it. I need to. My life depends on it. I can't afford to go on a strict diet or join some fitness club. I'm trying to do the best I can on a limited income.

 So here I go. Trying to adapt to a change that I always suspected was possible but haven't been prepared to deal with in awhile. I have some time so I'm gonna make the best of it and prepare for the inevitable.

 If all works out the possible adventures awaiting me could be the material for future blog postings. Perhaps I'll get the chance to see the places I've always wanted to but (because of a lack of money) have never done. When one is barely maintaining a roof over their head and the basics of life due to working a low wage job they can't afford to move,travel,or participate in various social outings. At the same time if one is in the same economic situation and they loose what little they struggle to hold onto they have no reason to stay put where they're at UNLESS that's where they want to be.

So the the meaning of my blog's name will finally be realized and be what it's intended to be - about my adventures traveling. I never understood why people agreed to a rigged game and playing "responsible" when most jobs no longer pay enough to afford the basics of life - shelter,a stay-at-home mate,a family,adequate spending and savings,and et cetera. It's one thing to work low wage jobs when that's all there is but agreeing to participate in what the system expects from us with no adequate compensation is preposterous.

 Had it not been for people in my life helping me out (from time to time) I would've long been where I'm soon to be - without a permanent place to call home. I know so many people living with family because most of the jobs don't pay enough to live on and those that do find better jobs rarely have the luxury of previous generations - enjoying job stability. So they might be making good money for the time being but the likelihood of being laid off in a few years or so are high.

Times are changing but most are oblivious to it. It amazes me the magnitude of people's blindness to what's going on. The lack of the media's mention of how broken the economy is largely the cause of it. So many people tend to think that they're own misfortunes in life are purely of their own making. That's not true. When you're participating in a rigged game no matter how hard you try and get ahead you'll fail. I hope more people realize this in the not too distant future. Then again - most might never come to this awareness and if that's the case - things stand little chance for improvement.

I'm not gonna self delude myself with the positive thinking jargon or drowning my troubles with booze. That's not my style. I'd rather stay awake and focused on the harsh reality of life while still trying to make the best of my life all the same. I hope everything works out for the best. I'm nervous but I just can't give up. Life is too short as it is and I want to live it to the fullest - even if it's living life as a wanderer, a pan handler,or as a street urchin.