Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Story of Stuff

Image and video hosting by TinyPicThe Story of Stuff

“The Things you own end up owning you“. - Tyler Durden

"Renunciation is not getting rid of the things of this world, but accepting that they pass away." - Aitken Roshi

"Those who consciousness is unified abandon all attachment to the results of action and attain supreme peace. But those whose desires are fragmented, who are selfishly attached to the results of their work, are bound in everything they do." - Sri Krishna (The Bhagavad Gita)

"By letting it go it all gets done. The world is won by those who let it go. But when you try and try. The world is beyond the winning." -Lao-Tzu

The writing is on the wall. The end of the American dream is pretty much over. it's just a matter of time when people en mass become painfully aware of just how trivial and damaging our attachment to excess materialism has been. Sadly, it's gonna take things getting a lot worse before it gets any better.

For the past 30 some odd years the average person has seen their buying power significantly decrease. This crisis didn't happen overnight. We've being brought down to our knees and soon everyone will have to grovel at the feet of the global elites. We've already become a nation of extreme "haves" and "have-nots". It's not around the corner. It's already here. It's gonna get worse and it's all by cold calculated design.

We're well on our way to becoming a two class society. There's no messiahs coming to save the day and the "law" of attraction won't help either. We're gonna be a third world nation and for those not already born into a wealth will more likely than no be poor for the rest of their lives. It's out of our control. It's time we stop buying into the lie that hard work pays off. That's simply not the case anymore. The world has changed. We're living in an international dictatorship masquerading as independent republics. Wake up and face the facts or you'll drown in your delusions. It's as simple as that.

To put it bluntly ..... it's just about over!

The Dollar Bubble

Think Europe is safe? Think again! It's days are numbered as well. It's economy is on the brink of collapse and it's experiencing record numbers of non-indigenous immigration from 2nd and 3rd world nations. In some parts it's becoming increasingly harder to tell the difference between it and the Middle East. We may be one world BUT it's our diversity that's our strength. Forcing different types of people to live amongst one another is no different than forcing robins to nest with blue jays. It's both unnatural and unfeasible.

Let Europe remain European and let Arabia remain Arabic. The same is true for all nations and people. As each body part is unique in it's own right it comes together with the other parts to form the whole. We need to embrace both our similarities and dissimilarities instead of working against the grain and trying to force things that are not meant to be. It's about balance which is something this current system seriously lacks. But I digress. Back to the topic at hand; the economy!

"The task is to covertly lower the standard of living, the whole social structure, of America so that we can be merged with all other nations." - Horace Rowan Gaither

Unemployment Rate Falls to 10%? Bureau of Labor Statistics & News Media Publish Fraudulent Data

Truth is truth no matter who says it. People need to prepare for a lowered standard of living in the future. It's inevitable. It was unsustainable anyways. This country is gonna crash hard. Leading economist Paul Craig Roberts stated that this nation will be a third world country in 20 years. This was nearly a decade ago when this statement was made.

In 1959 the minimum wage was $1.60 an hour. Today the minimum wage is $7.25 an hour. So it would seem that our buying power today is roughly 5 times what it was 60 years ago. Unfortunately that's not the case. Money has been devalued because in 1971 when President Richard Nixon stopped requiring our money to be backed by any sort of precious commodities other than the people's "faith" in the worthless paper we call federal reserve notes.

In other words earning $7.25 an hour today is worth only 21 cents in real money (aka gold and silver) an hour compared to $1.60 an hour in 1959 which is worth $5.25 in real money (aka gold and silver).In other words, to earn what a minimum wage earner made in 1959 you would have to make $83.84 an hour. To say that the standard of living for most Americans has significantly decreased is an understatement.

Ever wonder how even the poorest of the poor 40 plus years ago could still have a house and a new car and afford a stay-at-home wife and still take the family on a vacation a few times a year? Now you know. The poorest of the poor back then lived better than the average "middle class" wage earner of today.

Most are unaware that it was Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Dealers who took us off the gold standard on March 9, 1933, when Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, the silver was removed from coins by Lyndon Johnson and his Great Society. When we were on the gold and silver standard, goods got cheaper every year, government spent within it's means, it was the golden age of America, something we're unlikely to see again. It should be noted that taxes now take 55% of everything produced, up considerably from 5% of 1900, a little over 100 years ago. A double whammy.

To add insult to injury I often hear older people complaining about the younger generation's "unwillingness" to work. Ha! What a joke. These spoiled aging brats have the audacity to say such things when they've never suffered to the extent that their children and grandchildren currently do. When working an honest full time job still leaves you trying to decide whether to pay rent or eat for the night then something is seriously wrong.

That's the scenario many young people face today. It's not a lack of "responsibility" on their part. It's just that jobs no longer pay enough to live on. It's long overdue that people realize this and stop buying into the false belief that their ill fate in life is of their doing. That's simply not the case.

Nixon Closes the "Gold Window"

The Venus Project

America Will Collapse

The inevitable collapse of the dollar

There's a solution to our economic woes but as long as capitalism prevails the gap between the wealthy and the poor will widen. We already have the resources available that would allow every man,woman,and child to have all their needs met with plenty left over for recreational purposes. Sadly, the rich oligarchs aren't gonna give it up without a fight. That's our biggest obstacle right there. Until people realize that a small group of people owning most of the earth's resources is aiken to that of feudalism then nothing will be done about it. Our wage slavery will only worsen along with massive ecological damage that naturally occurs in a system ran by greed. A global fascism is inevitable if people don't start connecting the dots and standing up and letting their voices be heard. It's a start anyhow. Hopefully it can be done peacefully but as with anything - only time will tell.

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Call me an idealist. Call me a dreamer. The implementation of a resource based economy working in unison with natural law is what's best for everyone and not just a few a blue bloods at the top of some artificially created pyramid. We don't need a one world corporate state. We need a one world free of tyranny. We need a world where no one goes to bed hungry or lacks shelter,transportation,and other such needs. Money enslaves the masses while a resource based economy is the closest thing to physical liberation mankind has ever known. Can it be achieved? of course it can. Man has learned to fly,harness electricity,and other such technological feats once thought impossible. We just need to open our eyes to the endless possibilities that await us.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Living Without Money

Image and video hosting by TinyPic This man (Daniel Suelo) has figured it out. He knows the monetary system is rigged. It's slavery through and through. If we had a resource based economy his mindset wouldn't be at odds with civilization and technological progress as a whole. Capitalism can be quite stifling (communism included). It limits free thought,ingenuity, and the ability to implement such progressive ideals due to lack of funding.

It's a deplorable system we're living under. People need to wake up and smell the coffee. This "free" market economy doesn't benefit the common man and woman. It only benefits the top echelons in power who've rigged the system to where no one else can rise up.

Moneyless in Moab

This is what capitalist greed has brought us! It has a stifling effect on new and improved technologies being implemented because the rich ruling elites don't want to loose their power. We've been sold a bill of lies and we've bought into it hook,line,and sinker. The monetary system keeps the poor poor,makes the rich richer,and does away with the middle class all-together. That's what's taking place in this once great nation of ours. If mankind ever awakens en mass to the fact that the whole concept of money is illusory the whole system would be revamped overnight. That would end the oligarchy's control almost immediately and they would be held accountable for all the ills they've perpetrated upon the populace.

The Zeitgeist Movement Response to Gulf Oil Spill

Now on a more positive note ....

Meet Roy Ramirez. He's living life as a penniless tramp and experiencing both the freedom it offers as well as enduring the hardships that come along with it. Both Roy and Daniel are brave souls and aren't just talking the talk; they're walking the walk. It's people like them that help restore my faith in mankind. You guys rock!

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Update On The Rise Of Tent Cities

According to the Huffington Post and Squidoo tent cities are increasing. Is this the jobless recovery the "experts" are talking about? Simply put; the average job no longer pays a sustaining wage. You can't pay your rent,your electric bill,your phone bill,and have enough left over for food and transportation at full time employment. Those days are long gone. Sad BUT true. That's what so many people are overlooking. People are in denial of just how bad it really is out here.

It's not just in California. It's all across the Pacific West, the North-East,large portions of the Heart land, Dixie,and Canada. It's getting worse by the minute. There's more people than jobs and to make matters worse an out of control immigration policy continues - adding more fuel to the fire. The people naturally feel resentful and frustrated. It's called the "Great Recession" and it's deemed the worst economic disaster this country has experienced since the last "Great Depression" of the 1930s.

There's shanty towns popping up all over the place. Click here and here and here to see what I'm talking about. Wake up! It's much worse than many would think. Dare we call it the depression of 2010? Whatever name they choose to call it,they'll try and down play it's significance.

It's bad out here and I suspect it's only gonna to get worse. It might possibly be a downward spiral that we're NEVER gonna get out of. If that's so, then calling it a mere depression wouldn't be appropriate. I see visions of Mad Max,Robo Cop,and other dystopias that have been made into Hollywood films flooding my mind and I fear at least some of those scenarios will actually come to fruition. To what degree remains to be seen.

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So, still thinking of starting a family? Think again. It's not feasible. It cost way too much to live nowadays. You can't even afford yourself much less a family. What our parents and grandparent's generations were able to do are long gone. It's unfortunate but it's the truth. The economy is in shambles and the "culture" is in complete disarray. It's getting uglier by the minute.

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Notice how America is looking more like a third world country all the time? These are your country men, your brothers,sisters, aunts,uncles,cousins,etc. They're not people from far off lands.

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Sadly, the breakdown of the family among other aspects of "normality" have been eroding away for quite some time due to social engineering. Without a strong sense of family/community networking with others will be extremely difficult should an economic collapse lead to the erosion of modern civilization.

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This isn't just a Northern American problem. It's happening all across Europe,Australia,New Zealand,and Japan and it's getting worse by the day. Are we doomed as a civilization to one day live as road warriors for our meager sustenance? Let's hope it doesn't come down to that. Sadly, it doesn't look very promising out here.

Ever heard of the "The Hindenburg Omen" ?

A News Article on The Rise Of Tent Cities

Photo Gallery of Tent City Life

Sunday, September 12, 2010

My First Blog Post

 I've held off creating a blog until I found a name that I feel properly describes me and my quest in life - whatever that means! There's information about myself I'll reveal and there's things that'll remain private. Not that I have any serious skeletons in my closet or anything. None-the-less, there's thing we reveal and there's things we don't. That's just how it is. Not everyone is an open book and those that are probably shouldn't be.. I think we've all known someone who was quick to reveal intimate details about themselves that we really wish we didn't know. To put it bluntly - I don't care when a person last had their bowl movement,okay? lol

Hopefully soon I'll be traveling out west and seeing this beautiful world while I'm still breathing. Life is a precious gift and once it's gone that's it. I'm not saying there isn't life after death BUT I'm trying to focus on the here and now the best I can. I'm attempting to live my life for what I know exists and not merely for a belief system that may or may not be real. I'm no saint. Not that it matters. I don't buy into the positive thinking movement that says any form of "negative" emotion is bad and a sign of spiritual "weakness". That's an imbalanced way to perceive one's self and one's fellow mankind. To say it's out of sync with nature is an understatement that I can't emphasize strongly enough.

    I've never been one that enjoyed working my ass off. There's more important things than getting rich. Often times you have to step on others in order to get there and that's always bothered me. I'm not a very competent capitalist sorry to say and honestly, I could care less. Besides, most jobs don't even pay a sustaining wage anymore. So much of one's time is taken and what little they get for it simply isn't worth it. So I ask; can't we all just get along and dance?